Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Cherry Gobbler

Art: Mark Collins

If you live where bears live, like I do,
you learn to look up to them. That is to say
that you learn to respect them, yes. But
it is also to say that you learn that they
are up there, high in the canopy, on thin
limbs, fattening themselves on sweetness.

Once I was hiking on a mountain ridgetop
and a cherry tree, it seemed, threw four black
bears at me: a momma and her triplets. Crash,
bang, boom, and boom again. It seemed like
a ridiculous moment and, so, I laughed as
they scampered away in great bewilderment
of my sudden, and it must have seemed
dangerous, arrival.

I called out: “If you’d stayed in the tree, I
wouldn’t have known you were here!” It
seemed like they needed to be informed
of the obvious.

And, so, that was the moment when I learned
to look up to bears.

© 2019/Jamie K. Reaser
From a book collaboration in progress with artist Mark Collins

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