Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Door Way

Image: Origin Unknown

Half Moon Rising
talked to me tonight
of the Old Stories –

Lives passing before my eyes.

She said,

“The one who closes the door,
is the one who must open it.

Courage is the key,

and This is not in your hands.”

Seeing the tear rush for the
crest of my cheek,

She asked,

“What is it Dear?”

And I answered,

“The trouble with being a Seer
is that you begin to experience
The Grief and The Joy
a thousand years before
that singular moment of manifestation
is thrown into the Past.”

Half Moon Arisen replied,

“Now you know your special way
of tearing your heart open to make
room for what you will
one day receive.”

© 2010-2018/Jamie K. Reaser
Published in "Note to Self: Poems for Changing the World from the Inside Out"

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1 comment:

  1. oh gosh, this is amazing! i love it.... time is so hard, when you're living in a human body.... we must remember the timelessness, mustn't we, to get through these times? thank you jamie, this is very encouraging to me.....
