Friday, July 18, 2014

What the Morning Bird Said

Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

What happens when a body comes home to itself,
flesh and spirit, shadow and light, recognizing
kinship and the marriage vow that must
be taken in silence to hold true?  It is
the animal remembered, a wild being whose
eyes pool with the sad reflection of domesticated things.
It is hands tearing things down because
the feet long to be bare upon sacred ground.

This time tests a soul, hard questions against bruised skin.
What is real? What is your freedom worth?
Do you remember who you agreed to be?
When I was born into this world, I heard a morning bird say:
"You don’t belong here, and all your life you will know it.
We are counting on you to help us
find our way home."

~ Jamie K. Reaser
Published in "Coming Home: Learning to Actively Love this World"

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  1. Beautiful writing and photos -- and the second stanza certain speaks to our time!
