Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Encounter

Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

I heard it at the front door.

The front door!

This great scream.

It was, in fact, a scream,

And it begged me to
come running,

running on a large-shoed foot
of wonderment
and another of fear,
striding, one after the other.

What could it be? This thing that screams.

At my front door!

And there he was.
                I had asked for him only days before.

And there he was.

I grabbed my camera and headed after him.

Slowly, but fast too.

He looked back,
making sure I was there,
and sauntered.

He sauntered down the driveway away from the cabin.

No. He loped.

He loped down the driveway, picking up
his big (magnificent!) paws and letting me
count the pads below
and memorize their shape
and their position so that I’d know his signature

In mud maybe, or snow. By the creek. I’m sure.

And there he was.
There we were.

And, then, he leapt to the right,
bounding into thick greenbrier and up the mountain
slope he was gone.

He didn’t ask permission to leave.
Or, even gesture a “Goodbye.”

He was informal. The wild isn’t polite.
No one has ever told it to be and it wouldn’t be anyway.

But, there he had been.
And, there we had been. Together. Long enough
to know of the existence of the other.
Long enough to be able to say we had
an encounter.

How would he describe it?

Long enough for me to feel blessed
and him to feel whatever he felt.

I could claim that my prayer was answered.

I certainly can’t deny it.

I had so wanted to see a bobcat.

~ Jamie K. Reaser, Author
Published in "Conversations with Mary: Words of Attention and Devotion"

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  1. a magic moment I to be cherished... and your right there is no formality in Nature...

  2. What a beautiful, wondrous experience! I enjoy not just your well-crafted telling of the tale, but your reverence for the bobcat...and all wonders.

    1. Thank you, Jeffrey. Your kind words are appreciated, as always. Jamie
