Monday, December 30, 2013


Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

To wonder is to
surrender to the questions
that will not let you be
what you are not,

It is to put your throat to the cosmos
admitting your vulnerability
in the painted face of uncertainty,

It is to be curious about all
of those things that could destroy you,
or love you,
or do one and then the other.

What if I forgot, just for an instant,
what is real and what is not?

I wonder, in the end,
if it would matter at all.

© 2013-2018/Jamie K. Reaser
From 'Wonderment: New and Selected Poems' (a work in progress)

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Magic of the Season

Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

If you are to learn something of this day,
learn about magic:
how it is real,
and the explanation for everything
that matters most.

I’ve seen it,
and felt it,
and lived it in dreams too grand
to live out in a single life.

And I am all the better for it.

You too are like the star whose entire
reason for being is to
point the way
to the human heart.

© 2013-2019/Jamie K. Reaser
Published in "Winter: Reflections by Snowlight"

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Afternoon Moon

Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

Sometimes she rises in the afternoon
and hangs there in the blue palette sky,
her texture and curves well defined.

Which of you has forsaken the night?

She has come for you.

She is the jilted lover
who is prepared to befriend your fears.

© 2013/Jamie K. Reaser

Friday, December 13, 2013

Our Friendship

Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

What can I offer in reciprocity
but the spaciousness of
the “thank you”
that almost certainly
connects us in a million
different unifying ways.

The chord that was never
cut from my belly button
is the one that binds our
souls in a sweet firmament.

Friendship –

It is what births the
humanity in all of us.

Every time we come
full circle around the Sun,

We must ask ourselves,

Am I yet born into the
family of all beings?

© 2011-2017/Jamie K. Reaser
From "Coming Home: Learning to Actively Love this World"
Published by Talking Waters Press

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Invitation

Photo: (c) Jamie K. Reaser

I find myself wondering if it’s just not being heard.

These things happen every day.

Recently, for me, it’s come in the form
of a little red screech owl:

In the afternoon, when the
sun gives just enough warmth to
mask November’s chill,

I arrive…

having hiked to the mountain top

…like a parishioner standing
below a pulpit, looking upward
for something that I don’t yet know
how to fully believe in,

And he sits there snugged in the three-quarter hollow,
eyes closed, feathers fluffed,
some lifting and twisting at the edges
when the wind’s fingers pass by,
others rising and falling…

“Did you see it just happen now?”

…when he breathes.

And that’s it.

That’s the invitation.
That’s the response.

That’s our ceremony.

To fail to show up and participate
would be to deny that persistent voice
that is constantly asking me,

“Did you see that miracle?”

~ Jamie K. Reaser, Author
Published in "Coming Home: Learning to Actively Love this World"

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